The Perfect Gentleman

5 Oct

I have to hand it to the Army guy, despite, all the drama with being his friend he is the Perfect Gentleman. After thinking about why I am so deeply affected by this latest break-up with him, I realized he was the only guy that was super sweet and respectful towards me from day one. He always had such nice things to say and never did he say, “I want to fuck you .” In fact after talking for several hours, I asked him what he wanted to do and his response was, “Make love to me, Jazmyne.”

For a brief moment, I thought I was stupid for letting him go. But I started to wonder, he’s such a great guy in regards to being so respectful to women when he’s talking to them why is there so much drama with him? He was really pushy about wanting a monogamous relationship with me. He didn’t want me even dancing with another guy on The Red Light Center (RLC). This I didn’t understand, because cheating on RLC is so easy and he would never know so why wasn’t he looking for a girl in real life?

It could be due to reasons that I will never say on this blog. His private moments in his life that he shared with me I will keep private. I still think about him and do deeply care for him. However, I could never give him what he’s searching for and that is a woman, who will be completely devoted to him.

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